Tuesday, January 08, 2008


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Against Me!
New Wave

Only one show this year inspired me to take off my shirt, hand it to a friend, and head straight into a somewhat aggressive mosh pit (despite being ten years older than the average mosher). Gainseville, Florida's Against Me! is an genuinely important band. Earlier this year, I even asserted that the punk foursome may be the natural heirs to the Clash infusing their raw furiousness with a substantive theme (you can read my original write-up here)

Commenter Adam S. responded to my comparison beginning with a quote from my entry, ""Against Me! may be the first band to matter since the Clash..." Whoa whoa whoa. I think this claim needs a lot more backing up." It does indeed, Adam S. and this is it.


Blogger Adam S. said...

Yes, a shout-out!

Anyway, that is a raucous video, all right. Looks like fun.

Excited about SXSW yet?

11:31 AM  

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